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Das Fachforum landwärts 2024 richtet sich an kulturelle Akteur*innen, die in Zusammenarbeit mit der Zivilbevölkerung neue Wege suchen, um Bürger*innen ins Handeln zu bringen und deren Engagement mehr Wirkungsmacht zu geben. Insbesondere in ländlichen Räumen scheint es geboten, das Wissen der Menschen vor Ort zu nutzen und sie zu langfristiger Zusammenarbeit einzuladen, statt nur zeitlich begrenzte Teilhabe anzubieten.
Wie entsteht Kunst auf dem Land als Gemeinschaftswerk? Welche Planungsstrategien gibt es, die mehr Menschen aktiv einbeziehen? Muss Kunst im öffentlichen Raum für ländliche Räume anders gedacht werden? Wie erweitern Institutionen erfolgreich ihr Publikum? Warum sind performative Ansätze gerade auf dem Land so gut geeignet, Menschen zu aktivieren? Diese und andere Fragestellungen werden uns während der zwei Tage begleiten.
Eine Key Note von Claudine Nierth sowie Impulsvorträge in sechs Themenräumen geben Einführungen in die einzelnen Fragestellungen. Arbeitsgruppen und Workshops bieten Gelegenheit zu Austausch und Vernetzung.
Organisiert wird das Fachforum in diesem Jahr von der Gesellschaft für Kunst und Mediation im Bürgerauftrag e.V., dem Verein für Mediator*innen der Neuen Auftraggeber in Deutschland.
Guided tour and talk
Bradford’s Civic Future: the Art of Kirkgate Market
Saturday 14 October 2023
Kirkgate Shopping Centre, Bradford
This event looks at how the city of Bradford is working with artist Bernd Trasberger to creatively develop the civic architecture of the city.
Like much post-war architecture, Bradford’s Kirkgate Market holds a prominent place in the collective memory of the city’s people.
Within the internal architecture of the market are murals by William Mitchell and tiles by Fritz Steller. They are powerful examples of post-war collaboration between artists and architects, inserting art into civic buildings.
Joining us to introduce this series of talks are Shanaz Gulzar, Creative Director of Bradford Capital of Culture 2025, and Councillor Simon Cunningham. Together they will outline the city’s exciting civic plans for creative place-making and culture-led regeneration.
Afterwards, art and architectural historians Dr Dawn Pereira and Christopher Marsden will discuss the history and context of the market’s William Mitchel murals and Fritz Steller tiles.
In the final talk of the day, artist Bernd Trasberger will explain his artistic project, which involves repurposing Steller’s work.
Following the talks and tours we will be serving William Mitchell-inspired ice creams, courtesy of Edible Archives’ artists Harry Jelley and Sonia Sandhu.
This event is a collaboration between Bradford UK City of Culture 2025 and the Henry Moore Institute.
The entire lecture can be viewed here.
My work Stunde Null (2009) is going to be permanently installed at Staatstheater Cottbus
It will be presented on September 06 at 07:30 pm in the course of the following event: Lampenfieber
For a permanent work commissioned by East Street Art, Leeds (GB) I am 3D scanning several animal figures inside historic Burmantofts moulds that are stored at the Discovery Center Leeds. After more than 100 years the digital liberation of the animals figures will lead to a new set of ceramic sculptures.
March, 02 2023 at 7:30 pm
Technology Center UMPRUM – Mikulandská 5, Praha 1, 110 00
The ship doesn’t belong to Theseus alone
The first event of the new lectures cycle focusing on architecture called Finally! will present an unconventional dialogue between the German architect Thomas Burlon and the German-Belgian artist Bernd Trasberger. The evening entitled The ship doesn’t belong to Theseus alone will focus on collective authorship.
A recording of the lecture can be viewed here.
An excerpt of my current book project Mutti in L.A. is published in archimaera #10 Fragment
BETON Berlin 4 with Bernd Trasberger
video installation, three chapters (20min loop) + two repaired benches
Bernd Trasberger‘s work „Benchmarks“ is a video installation at Eduard-Müller-Platz. It was based on
a conversation with Dutch artist Rob Hamelijnck about the history, present and future of the square. This
is in a strange insular position, sandwiched between three streets, left there orphaned, somehow abandoned to its fate. The work „Benchmarks“ is thus a subjective dialogue in three chapters about this place and the situation found there. The characteristics of the place as perceived by the interlocutors are made clear by the video projection on the backrest of a bench. The surrounding space becomes newly perceptible through the projection in this light. While reading the conversation, however, the supposed specificity of the place repeatedly becomes a „commonplace“ that can be found like this throughout Berlin and other European cities.
Bernd Trasberger is mainly concerned with architecture, public space and the design of urban places. His engagement with this often requires intensive, long-term research with a sociological, architectural-historical or political background. In his collaboration with BETON, Trasberger will examine a location (tba) in Neukölln that has fallen out of view and shed some light on the darkness of the transformation thicket with an artistic presentation for the public. Part of the work "Benchmarks" consists of a conversation with Rob Hamelijnck from Fucking Good Art (Rotterdam).
For the fourth exhibition of the BETON Berlin series on Tuesday, September 27, 7 to 10 pm Bernd Trasberger will occupy a location in Neukölln. This will be announced on short notice via RSVP. Please send an email to info@beton-berlin.com to get a location update.
BETON Berlin is a initiative, following the projects ADN Pförtnerhaus, Statsion, Tacho, CNTRM, when the image is new, the world is new and STRouX, initiated by Christof Zwiener.
Video that documents the travel by train between Berlin and Sofia (BG). The change of the landscapes, its different perspective layers and the unmissable draught are combined with texts of poets of the different countries along the way and recent news about climate change.
Work in collaboration with Svenja Liesau, Roam Berlin and Toplocantrala Sofia.